“I am an idea in the mind of God,” so says A Course In Miracles. Not a mistake but a conscious rendering of God herself. This means to me, I am not separate from any of God’s creation, but One with all. The separation idea is how most people got to be so unhappy. “I am, you are.”
Yesterday, I over exercised, after the CV19 Booster from the day before. Yet the body feels good, today. Not “my body,” but “the body.” This body I inhabit is something that one day will be given back to the earth. It will be One with the molecules, the earthworms and other chemicals that will break it down. What remains is “my spirit.” That I consider to be uniquely mine, to love and to nurture. All spirits are One with God, so in reality, my spirit is not mine, but God’s.
It’s difficult to fully grasp that there are no mistakes. The thinking of the world would have us think our existence is a mistake, greed is how “they” get ahead in the world, and I can be like “them” by grabbing all I can in a consumer frenzy. It’s the Holiday Season, after all.
This to me is the definition of hell. Hell is the mind going round and round, flitting from thought to thought, with a destination embraced by Ego Mind.
Acceptance of “I am where I am supposed to be, in this and every moment,” is a good year end mantra. Also would make a good Gregorian chant. OM