At the root of any cure or healing is the surrender of the need to know why things happen the way they did. Until the surrender unfolds, old wounds will fester in a great cauldron of unforgiveness, loveless perception and a preoccupation with the past. Pride prevents the healing and the cure. Wanting to make other people responsible for our troubles is sure to fail. Unfinished business in the form of feelings of abandonment and humiliation etc. will continue the blame game in an endless cycle of sorrow.
A group of us are ready to embark on our fourth year together doing A Course In Miracles. I’ve done the Course off and on since 1980, but daily practice is now my lifeline to mystical perception. I used to think one year was enough and now I can have faith the course did the needed work on my psyche. Ah, the ego speaks again.
I can’t explain the tenants of the course logically or rationally. I will allow others to do that for they do it well. Suffice to say, daily practice with a group has been my guidance to a swifter ability to love, forgive and let go of the madness and chaos of the thinking of the world. The egoic mind that judges and condemns is easier to recognize through this practice. Distinguishing right (love) from wrong (condemnation) has strengthened my moral compass through the yearly study of ACIM (A Course In Miracles).
For instance, the ego will speak first in many situations, like when someone criticizes me unfairly. The tendency is to make them wrong and rationalize all the reasons why I am right. Naturally, the “other“ may have points worth considering.
The course teaches there is no “other,”number 1. Number 2, we are all One without separation in a world without end. OM