When Paramahansa Yogananda met Ananda Ma, a Hindu Saint as described in Autobiography Of A Yogi, he asked her to tell him about her life.
Ananda Ma said, “Father, there is nothing to tell. My consciousness has never associated itself with a temporary body. Before I came on this earth, Father, I was the same. As a little girl, I was the same. I grew into woman hood and still, I was the same. When the family in which I had been born made marriage arrangements to have this body married, I was the same. And Father, in front of you now I am the same. Even afterward, though the dance around me changes in the hall of eternity, I shall be the same.“
This is an example of pure awareness. Which I am I talking about? I Kate or soul incarnate, living a year more and more in silence and no self? Today’s A Course In Miracles lesson is: God is in every thing I see. I am free yet entrapped in a body. What I think it is may be far different then What it is. How do you use the mind to beat the mind? Am I absolutely real or relatively real?
It appears the annihilation of ego happens as we stand in awe of the beauty of the Universe and sense the ongoing nature of not only this life, but all the incarnations we’ve lived or will ever live.
When I was an infant in a crib, I remember a wise part of me looking down on the vulnerable baby without pity, expectation or judgement. This experience gave me a feeling of safety as well as a knowing: there is nothing to fear. All is well.
As this year progresses, I will be more and more silent. “I“ will take the vow of silence as a way to tune into the great mystery we all share. The world will pass me by as I watch through a vantage point, removed from attachment, to such goings-on.
“The world I see holds nothing that I want.” Beyond this world all things involving love and connection are ours to embrace. OM