I listened to Michael Moore’s latest podcast, as of this writing, on Pearl and my walk today. Kristen Urquiza was Michael’s guest. She told the story of losing her father to CV19 at the end of June. She has since assumed an activist role fueled by outrage of how the Trump administration did not tell the truth about the virulent nature of CV19 as early as January. Tomaso died mid-February after a 5 day illness of 105 degree fevers, shortness of breath, cough and finally, blood clots which were revealed around the heart during a stent procedure.
I know where Kristen is coming from.
Kristen was invited to the first Biden/Trump debate on 9/29/2020 because of the speech she gave at the Democratic National Convention. She blamed Trump for her father’s death. Her dad was a loyal Trump supporter. He believed Trump when Trump downplayed the importance of wearing a mask.
Kristen wants those who died of CV19 to be acknowledged. This blog, “Tomaso’s Last Breath,” falls into this category, my own tribute to him.
Kristen was invited to the debate under the pretense, and the promise, that everyone would be wearing a mask and be tested prior to the debate. The Trump entourage took off their masks after their entrance to the debate hall. They refused to reapply them when asked to do so. They also arrived late and were not tested for the virus. A bogus honor system excused them from getting the test, including the President.
Kristen sat close to the podium where Trump may have been spewing CV19 droplets in every direction. Trump tested positive for CV19 the day after the debate.
Hearing Kristen’s story and writing this blog, has stirred up unresolved grief. This is a good thing, for to know real freedom, the inner battle of the mind must be experienced fully, not denied, not ignored. Spontaneous healing is impossible without going through the birthing process. Rebirth follows. Death, rebirth, in breath, out breath. The battle of the mind ceases, giving way to the light of a new world, experienced as flashes of insight, profound peace, unconditional Love. OM