My tenant Feizal came by this morning to help me with yard cleanup. He also brought me A2 milk, A2 yogurt, and organic eggs laid by chickens who have never known imprisonment. If only humans could be so fortunate but as family friend Ammon Hennacy used to say, “The prison is in the mind.”
When the growing season began this year, Feizal lamented the absence of Tulsi sprouting up on the farm property. Tulsi was Tomaso’s great find, as we prepared the farm for a spiritual retreat with Leonard Laskow, MD in the mid 1990’s. Tulsi contributed to the collective experience of higher planes of consciousness at the retreat.
Now when I smell Tulsi, which mysteriously sprung up in my backyard garden, I know Tomaso has come to visit. The aromatic smell brings peace to every mind through my mind to yours. Tulsi brings love to every mind through forgiveness.
Tomaso shows up in other ways, too. After Tomaso drew his last breath, I was gifted wind chimes from my work family. The idea is, when the wind elicits a beautiful tone, that’s Tomaso zeroing in for a visit.
There are other ways. When I spontaneously burst into tears, I know he is there. I know Tomaso will be with me next year as I partake on a year long online spiritual retreat with Tomaso’s mentor, Will Johnson. Every time I practice Hollow Bamboo Breathing, as taught by Will Johnson, I feel Tomaso’s presence.
I’d have to say, Tomaso is with me all the time. This blog is testimony to that. Depression is not an option. Living without purpose is not an option. Expecting others to be like me? Not an option.
Guidelines, not rules, are mine for the great surrender. OM