Tomaso loved Mother Nature, and all creatures great and small. When he passed on, he left behind a fish pond that was temporarily located in our garage. Tomaso planned to move the fish out to the garden when spring gave way to summer.
One of the fish was a goldfish who had grown quite big. Our grandson named her Swimmy. I found a home for Swimmy and seventy or so guppies, at a friend’s house not far from where I live. They already had a beautiful fish pond in their magical yard. The promise of flowers and garden vegetables would soon emerge with the new season.
My friends names are Jerry Lee and Susan.
Swimmy took to her new home swimmingly. She swam round and round the small pond, much larger than her former home, and seemed mesmerized by her new freedom. The guppies happily explored their new vista, as well.
Soon after, I called Jerry Lee to see how the fish were doing. I sensed a reluctance and hesitation in his voice. He said Swimmy got trapped in a small area of the pond. When Jerry Lee released her, she leapt into the air and simply disappeared. I imagined a white light around her as he told me the story.
I also imagined Tomaso sweeping her to him in the eternal realm of spirit. Tomaso made himself known to Jerry Lee, Susan and me as if in a dream, a waking dream merging the ordinary with the extraordinary.
Tomaso said to our friend’s and to me, “ Hey! I am still here! I haven’t gone anywhere!”
The experience brought us all together, again. OM