I had a short memorable dream recently, one that I vowed to remember. As I told the dream to my dream group, I was able to put together more of the puzzle pieces, later.
In the dream, there were two me’s. We were walking toward a doorway together in single file. The self in the body was first in line. The self I was occupying was walking behind the self in physical form, who had no clue of anyone behind her.
The liberated “I” was mirthful, enjoying the fact I was invisible to the unknowing self, who went toward the door, opened it, went through it and shut it.
The door was locked.
The nonphysical me knew I could get through the door, either by walking right through it, like Casper The Friendly Ghost always does, or by some other creative means.
The dream ended and I woke up.
Years ago, when I was 6 months old, and crying in a crib, that same nonphysical me was hovering above the crib, looking down with compassion on the crying baby. I remember thinking of the life ahead for the being just starting out on Planet Earth, who in her physical form, was clueless.
The being, the soul hovering above knew everything and had no fear. I remember other nonphysical beings hovering above the baby me. They were my comrades in spirit.
Who am I? Who are you? We are One, say the great sages, one together, one apart, but never separate. The body itself must not be rejected as we come to understand the fully dimensionalized self includes the body and so much more.
The great mystery never disappoints. OM