Our lives are full of mystery. One of the greatest mystery’s within a mystery is a life threatening illness. Another is witnessing the last breath of a loved one, as in the case of Tomaso’s Last Breath. Asking questions such as “Why me?” seldom yields an answer because the question is asked within the confines of the rational mind. Instead, turn focus to the comfort of Divine Protection. Feel Angel wings within and without, encircling you in the Union of Love.
Mystery’s purpose is to lead away from human reasoning and its limited ability to explain why things are the way they are, inviting the recognition and acceptance that Divine Intelligence is who and what is in control. We may never understand how this intelligence works, yet real freedom is manifested with the realization nothing else can be trusted. This trust is at the soul of true emancipation.
Every prayer is heard and response to each prayer occurs in “God’s Time.” Visualize the Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Allah, Mother Mary pulling doubt from you as only the strongest magnet on earth would do. Know this help is always available.
Perhaps Divine Forces would have us know darkness so that the light is infused with an ever greater will to live. Every situation in our lives is created by the energy of grace. Pay attention to the extraordinary behind the ordinary, recognizing the Divine orchestrates all. Have faith in unseen forces.
Humility is key to adapting this attitude. True humility let’s go of ego, of outward appearances, of needing anything outside of ourselves to feel alive. True humility reminds me of Saint Francis, who laid down his ego and the need to control the idle wandering of a mind held hostage by thought discordant with nature.
True humility is joyous spirit transcending all that has gone before, releasing the need for fanfare or spotlight.
We breathe, slowly walk, observe our lives so that aimless speeding through experience is prevented.
This reality is yours to create.