An old friend was taken off life support, yesterday. I envision the door swinging in at her birth, and out as she died. What a singular event, life and death. In breath, birth, out breath, death, and all the breaths between. When one door closes, another always opens metaphorically speaking. This is Universal Truth.
Yet, we grieve. We also celebrate a safe passage. Death and dying is the highest spiritual experience of our lifetime.
Why wait? Let us prepare by first of all, walking each other home. Let us have open conversations and probe deeply into the meaning of life and rebirth, Into the true essence of life—unconditional love and forgiveness.
Make sure your Will is in order. Make sure you don’t leave behind too much work for the next human.
As he or she gets rid of your possessions or gives them away, the question arises: are our possessions true representatives of our lives here on earth school? As we leave these representatives behind, we breathe new life into other worlds, barely leaving a trace in this one.
Our entire lives are a mystery. We can’t pretend “to know,” yet I believe at the heart of it, we do know. We know this physical realm lacks dimension if seen only through the lens of what we think we see. We know that the great mystery automatically tunes us into Soul Land, where all is known and is multi dimensional. We know yet pretend not to know. Some pretend to know, but feel confused. Why not just let go while saying “I don’t know?” And like beginners mind, celebrate the joy of the present moment. OM