Step 6 is as follows: “Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.”
The previous five steps revealed patterns that only I can recognize through soul-searching and contemplation.
Addiction in all forms reveals how our defects of character can interrupt the potential of which we are all capable.
Willingness and readiness: am I willing, am I ready to make the changes to transform my life? Awareness is key. The rest of my life is conceptual. The moment at hand is reality.
Arrogance can be transformed to humility; self hatred to self love; doubt gives way to the strength to proceed.
We look over the list- self-pity, pride, selfishness, grandiosity-this step requires that I become willing to have God remove these defects of character.
The illusion of self is peeled away by this conscious process.
Many people tell me they’ve stopped drinking alcohol, but are they in recovery? Recovery is a great opportunity to change everything about yourself, to begin every day as if it’s your last, to undertake an inner plastic surgery of the spirit.
Am I willing to tear up my goals?
Am I willing to let all resentments go?
Am I willing to stop blaming others?
Am I willing to invite programs like these into my life to supersede the goals based on ego, and let go of the fake it till I make it societal attitudes?
Of course! OM