“Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.”
Step 1 says there is a problem. Step 2 says our situation can improve. Step 3 says I am willing to get help which creates the conditions to do the 4th step.
Now it is time to embark on the part of the program where the real work is needed to thoroughly go through the process of mining everything about your past beliefs and behaviors.
Traumas from the past can be surrendered in a spirit of fearlessness. Write down every resentment, every shame, grief, and guilt. Change can only be undertaken when we face the patterns that stymies our lives.
Pride (what I think you think of me), self-esteem (what I think of myself), expectations, sexual relations, ambitions, finances, and all the feelings surrounding these parameters.
This is an ongoing inventory process. If I am willing to accept help, then I am ready to to focus on the excavation process.
How do I contribute to these resentments? How can I free myself from the old mental tyrannies?
Pick a resentment. How does it effect my pride, self-esteem, expectations, sexual relations, ambitions and finances?
Where am I making mistakes, mistakes associated with perception, holding on, and allowing myself to be defined by the resentment?
What defects of character have been sparked by the resentment? OM