Fasting has been a curiosity of mine. Years ago, I remember taking part in several fasts, decades apart from the other. I remember feeling cleansed, lighter, freer and high-without doing drugs, of course.
Today, I will do a partial fast. I will drink fluids, do a walkabout with the Pearlie Girl, and free my mind, ask for guidance, receive any messages from the impersonal stance of my meditative mind.
I will ask divinity: “Please grant me guidance,” knowing this prayer will be answered. I will not fear the response. The intention is to empty the vessel I carry through life. How do I know what the answer could mean and if I will even recognize it? Faith and trust comes to mind.
The news fast continues to make it much easier to tune into inner nudges from beyond every day normal consciousness. The news fast is a good beginning to taking the plunge to inner reservoirs of fearlessness regarding the unknown. I will release all previously held grievances and loveless perception. I will clear the way for a weightless awareness to clear my mind of useless debris.
The fast requires Soul Power. Jesus, Moses, saints of all religions and traditions fasted as an essential ritual for further spiritual evolution. Jesus and Moses each took 40 day fasts. Jesus went to the mountain top and was tempted by Satan. Jesus rejected the bargain of societal glory and ego offered by Satan. He did not choose the path of least resistance.
The Jesus and Satan on the mountaintop story is an archetypal model pertaining to every seeker on the path of freedom. Buddha sat under the bodhi tree for 49 days, before he attained enlightenment. Perhaps this is an action to pursue when the time comes for full retirement. At the very least, the distinction between physical and sacred dimensions fall away. Cravings lessen and fall away as well. Fasting uncovers the impersonal witness and allows vulnerability to surface.
Who am I, really? OM