We were talking last night about what it takes to overcome adversity. What mindset is needed in times of great challenge? A woman was used as an example. A few years ago, she was given a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. At the moment the diagnosis was given, she cried for at least a year, until she said, “Wait! I don’t have to live like this.” She lightened up and started to have a good time.
My niece made the comment, “mind over matter” is our most powerful tool. Suddenly the words “spirit over matter” arose in my imagination, and I thought about those words until I could put a stream of consciousness upon the page this early morning hour.
If sought, the breath of the Living Spirit may be faint, and difficult to find. As habits are strengthened by perseverance to bring that breath into our heart and make it ours, we may overcome doubt and fan the flame of hope.
The search for the Living Spirit can arouse confusion as the world created in the world of matter—material possessions, cars, houses, boats, start to lose their meaning. Even a simple life built from despair in not finding love creates an unworthiness that cuts off the realization of the Living Spirit.
Learning to breathe new life into a world seemingly devoid of spirit takes a willingness to shift the focus from godlessness to God or Goddess or the Divine, and bring that Living Spirit into your heart to become the source you may have thought was separate from you.
This is how spirit creates a reality of your dreams. You don’t create your own reality. Your alignment with spirit does that.
Wherever you find yourself that is where you’re meant to be. OM