There needn’t be a distinction between my meditation on or off the cushion. I’ve come to the realization when I do my practices and go out into the world and leave the practice behind, I will not grow or see much progress in my evolution.
The metaphor has often been made in spiritual circles of a wheel hub with a center and all the spokes emanate from the center. All worldly pursuits such as money, jobs, relationships are the various spokes and have their beginning in the center, the source, the Divine.
I prefer the spider’s web metaphor, as referenced in yesterday‘s blog, because the web is non-linear, and branches out in a full array of multi dimensional creative possibilities. Creation is the key that unlocks the potential for formless soul to dance in the world of form without separation.
I see the world of perceived separation to be at the heart of all suffering in the world. Perceived separation breeds narcissism and leaves us stranded on the bottom of Maslow‘s hierarchy of needs. In order to achieve self actualization, spiritual practice must be observed in all our daily pursuits, staying with breath and the NOW to fully actualize self actualization. I am not a student of Maslow, but I imagine him agreeing with this vision.
Self actualization is fluid and ever changing, like life itself. The spider’s web of creation is reflected in every living being. We are here on this earth forgiveness school to fall down and get up again. And as we rise, we help others to do the same. OM