The rose colored glasses Revolution is here! Let us seek and find the good in all people, and as we do, discover the heroic nature in those we meet, and in ourselves. God is Love and will not create suffering for mistakes or loveless deeds. When people act thoughtlessly without compassion, they are crying for help. Send them a prayer and strive to be more loving, yourself.
Loveless perception is a tumultuous state of mind. All anyone really wants is to be loved. Love is who we are.
Forgiveness, too, is a great liberation. It points to the truth that as you forgive one, you forgive all. How does this work? It’s hard enough to forgive one person let alone all people. Self forgiveness is the most challenging of all. Naturally people think forgiveness for others is what we do for them. In reality, we do it for ourselves. This is how it works.
Start each new day with a song and a dance as a gift to the Universe. When circumstances become overwhelming, simply begin again. This is how to redirect our course.
The crossroads in our lives have great meaning: an illness, injury and death open the doors of perception to choose love over fear. We can choose to feel separate or at on with the Divine, humanity and nature. Choosing Love is the solution to every challenge that presents itself. Choose peace rather than reflecting the chaos in the world.
America is at the greatest crossroads of her history. Nothing less than our Democracy is at stake. My rose colored glasses are firmly affixed.
I believe Love Will Win. OM