The festival or the lights is starting early this year. People are in a mood for new birth and resurrection, represented by the birth of the Christ Child and the sun making a return after December 21.
Tomaso and I never put up Christmas lights and even stopped killing trees to place in a strategic place in the house, loaded with gifts for people who already have everything. This is the American way. Capitalism to the core.
I put lights up this year and love the colors! I made a video of them, for your enjoyment, too.
Gift giving is beautiful when done from the heart and not from a spirit of obligation. I do have gifts on hand to give us the spirit moves me. One day five of Wayne Dyer‘s latest book showed up on my doorstep. This was an unexpected magical occurrence. The Hay House website has always been glitchy, this time in my favor and for anyone who will receive those books.
Since Tomaso‘s last breath I no longer drink alcohol. Not against it, just want to be awake and aware. Plus drinking alone is a sure fire path to a certain dismemberment of my consciousness e.g. I would just fall asleep. Medical Marijuana is an entirely different story and is legal here in Pennsylvania.
As we move forward with the dwindling days and eternal nights, and celebrate the introspection afforded by both phenomenons, important revelations about our lives will surface, if we are open to receiving them.
This may be the most important gift of the season. OM