Hard to see anything else but horror when we look through the lens of what is happening in Washington DC. Our president incited a riot and the mob acted as mobs act. Interestingly, as the servants of our democracy looked directly at their own mortality, suddenly the Constitution of the USA became relevant, again.
When tRump called Brad Raffensperger on January 2, asking for 11,780 votes to overturn the Georgia election results (based on a long list of conspiracy theories) trump committed an impeachable offense. I held my nose and listened to the call, this morning. As an American, I felt I had a responsibility to do so.
A full hour of trump rambling is almost more than anyone should have to deal with. But that phone call was impeachable offense #1 in the New Year.
Impeachable Offense #2 (in the New Year): Yesterday’s violent actions at the Washington DC Capital by proven right wing white supremacists is not cause for complacency. With two weeks left in this presidential reign of terror, more damage can be done, in the name of tRump’s malignant narcissism.
Impeach or physically remove him, NOW. Om