In my study of right and left brain directed thinking, I spontaneously came upon John Reeses' phenomenal exercise, "Why You must Reboot Your Brain," as I was surfing the internet, a decidedly right brain activity according to Daniel L. Pink, author of "A Whole New Mind."
I am familiar with John Reese because I purchased his product creation, Traffic Secrets 2, or TS2.
John Reese attributes his success, his multi-millionaire status, to the monthly practice of the Reboot Your Brain exercise.
Why would you want or need to reboot your brain?
We have hundreds if not thousands of thoughts constantly "running" in our minds, like a tape that won't stop. These thoughts are seemingly stuck in our heads.
John says our brain is like a computer, in so far as a computer loads memory into its spaces by what is called "Ram."
The human memory holds the key to making decisions based on what was previously learned. 60,000 thoughts adds to daily stress and anxiety levels, thus making learning sometimes difficult to achieve.
The method John Reese teaches helps to strengthen memory. It revitalizes the brain and the mind.
It subtly re-energizes the psyche.
I know because I did it, and intend to do it every month.
The following is what you will need to do the exercise: 1) 3 separate legal pads or notebooks; 2) Your favorite pen; 3) A quiet place to do the exercise.
The brain workout may take anywhere from one to six hours to complete. If you are interrupted, the flow of the workout is interrupted.
8 steps To The Rebooting Process
1. The To Do List.
This is a journey taken in your mind.
Take one of the legal pads and your pen and think of all the things you can think of regarding what you (think you) need to do.
Use one entry per line.
Keep writing until you can't think of anything else.
This is more than an ordinary "To Do" list. It is a way to exhaust all thought in your left brain.
Do this part of the rebooting process to the point of exhaustion.
Now take a breather, go outside, jog around the house or block, and come back.
2. Take legal pad or notepad #2 and write down everything you can possibly think of that you desire.
What do you want in your life? How does your perfect life appear in your mind's eye?
What would you buy if there were no limits? At this point in my life, materialism hold nothing for me. All I want is peace (of mind).
Write it all down until you can't write anymore.
Again, push your brain to the point of exhaustion.
3. Shift gears again, get your blood moving, get a cup of tea or coffee-or favorite beverage.
Get legal pad or notepad #3. This is where you write down all of your fears. Write down every single fear. Face your fears and write them down. Then imagine nothing but love replacing every fear you have.
Are you afraid of losing a parent, child, spouse or companion animal, or afraid of losing your house, becoming destitute and dying alone?
Write these down and everything else you can think of.
Again, write to the point of exhaustion.
4. Gather the legal pads or notepads in the order that you did them.
Read each entry aloud until you've read them all.
Do not skip this step. John Reese says this exercise is much more powerful when you read each item aloud.
Take your time with this and allow yourself to visualize and feel.
5. Write down every thought that pops into your head. You may experience duplicate or crossover thoughts. Write these down wherever you are in your entries.
6. Examine the fears you wrote down and now think of solutions. For instance, if you fear dying of cancer, think of all the ways you can strengthen your immune system.
When you think of a solution to one of your fears, strike that one off your list.
The only real solution to fear is taking the journey from analytic thinking to the heart of love and forgiveness. That is the only Real Solution.
7. Examine your desires. Think of ways you might acquire what it is you want. Add these solutions to the list.
"How can I get my lap-top computer, or mode of transportation? What do I need to do to acquire these things?'
Making more money may be one solution! Saving money is another. Become more generous. What you give returns ten fold.
8. Go to the To Do list and prioritize everything on the list.
Now sit back and relax.
You will be using the master To Do list the most in this brain aerobic workout.
Add to the to do list regularly. When you've completed an item, strike this off your list.
But do not throw these lists away. Date them.
Keep the details you have written down about your fears with you at all times.
Do the rebooting brain workout once monthly as well as adding to the To Do list with prioritization.
I did the exercise exactly as outlined here. I felt my brain become exhausted from the effort. I felt thought fade away and all I could hear was an all pervasive quiet in my mind.
The quiet. Especially the quiet is worth the effort!