In 1995, Leonard Laskow, friend, mentor and author of “Healing With Love,” came to visit us. I boldly told him I would arrange for him to talk to the residents where I worked at the time, then open the auditorium at the hospital to the community that evening. Since Leonard was an OB/GYN physician and I was an OB/GYN Nurse Practitioner, I figured I could follow through with my promise.
The biggest hurdle was to get clearance from the then head of the OB/GYN department, Dr Simone, the most by the book allopathic doctor I had ever known. First, I secured Dr Laskow’s presentation with the Behavioral Health and Oncology Departments, whom agreed to jointly sponsor the event.
When I finally asked Dr Simone for his support for the program, he put me off a few days, then with hesitancy, acquiesced. The event had already gained momentum, and he would look like a smuck if he tried to block it.
It was a GO, but a rocky go. In 1995, over 1/3rd of all health consumers in America tried at least one complementary therapy. That number is much more, now. Dr Simone knew he and fellow physicians had to acknowledge and respect people’s choices, or they’d lose all of their patients!
My enthusiasm for what was rapidly becoming a happening and party of interest got on Dr Simone’s nerves. I advertised the event in the hospital newsletter and used the employee wide communication system to announce the lecture. A mass mailing was sent. We raised several thousand dollars from pharmaceutical companies. The hospital also gave $1000 to sponsor Dr Laskow.
Finally, a few days before the affair, Dr Simone came to my office and shut the door. He held a copy of “Healing With Love” in his hand and hurled it across the room, narrowly missing my head.
“Are we having a bad day, Sir?” Barely suppressing my mirth. After all, using the book as a weapon was the last application Dr Laskow had in mind for his book.
He made a few threats about my boldness, but quickly gave up because I was having such a good time!
Sam was dying of colon cancer. He saw the small ad in the paper for the Laskow lecture. A persistent inner voice told him to come to the community gathering at the hospital.
Tomaso and I saw Sam enter the auditorium on the arm of his wife. He was short of breath and his face was grey. Tomaso and I immediately welcomed and sat with them. Sam told us his story. He said his doctors did not give him long to live. Tomaso asked him if he would like a personal healing session with Dr Laskow. He indicated without hesitation that he would.
Tomaso and I continued the healing sessions with Sam after his initial introduction to the work with Leonard.
As the Holoenergetic Healing work commenced, healing that stimulates the body’s own immune system to repair itself, Sam’s energy returned, his serum levels signifying an acute condition, gradually decreased. Sam went on to complete unfinished business with his family.
Soon before Sam died, he told us he was ready to die. He faced the whole of his life with Radical Acceptance.
That’s the most any of us can hope for. OM
This post is an excerpt from KateLoving’s book, “Prayer Prescriptions For Nurse Healers.”