This is an interview I did with Velma Gallant: The Queen Of Joy. She had her own radio show called: "Welcome Changes Radio." She is an innovative woman, and I am sure you will agree!
1. I am sure our readers would like to know the origin of your name, your brand, Queen of Joy.
Growing my JOY has been a major focus in my personal and professional life. I wanted to be happy no matter what was going on around me. My life has always been full of contrast, and through each experience I found ways to be Happy. I learned how much power I had through my perspective, and I'm happy to say that I experience JOY in my life every day, no matter what is going on.
The moniker showed up in early 2007. I knew I was choosing more joy in my life, and I wanted my "title" to include this. I discussed the shift I wanted with my Coach.
There were other JOY Coaches. I've seen Diva's, Masters, Lady's, and Duchesses. Those names didn't seem to OWN Joy the way I was learning to OWN my JOY.
A Queen is the ruler of her domain. What she decides is law. I was choosing my JOY with the clarity and decisiveness of a Law.
I am the ruler of my Joy. I am the Queen of JOY!
2. You have an interesting rags to riches story that I know would interest people!! Please tell!
There is so much that went on before this, however to list it all would require...well...a book. That may come some day.
The more recent experience began in 2005 when my husband had to leave a secure job to move into an active role in a business he was a silent partner on. We were getting calls from the creditors. Of all the partners, my husband was the only one with assets, and that was our home.
It was a sink or swim situation. The only chance for survival that we saw was for him to leave the job and try to save the business. It was terrifying to loose one full income completely! We had refinanced our home, as well as put a second mortgage on it to contribute to the business.
This was when my JOY Journal was born. I knew my focus needed to be shifted. I had been studying and teaching the Law of Attraction for a few years now, and what I had learned was being put into full action. I didn't have the luxury of being inconsistent with the tools. Our home was at risk, and we had our young son to care for.
The JOY Journal supported me with shifting my focus in a direction of Vision and Possibilities. I was putting my focus on what I wanted, and releasing what I did not want on a daily basis.
This consistent shift in my focus did make a difference. Within 4 months the creditors were all paid up to current, and my husband and the one remaining partner were taking a full-time salary. It was nothing short of a miracle.
One year later, I used the same tool to move from full-time at my job to part-time, and then 6 months later leave my job all together, and become a full-time entrepreneur.
This has been a blessing on so many levels. Besides doing work I love, it has allowed me to spend more time with my family, including being there for my son before and after school, and when he has time off from school, too. I have flexibility and freedom, which has been a major contributor to my JOY!
3) What three things do you do everyday to keep up your wonderful optimistic spirit?
I JOY Journal every day. Through this tool I choose my focus every day, whether it is focusing on my many blessings, or opening up to new possibilities.
Using the Dump and Flip tool in my Journal has been a huge support. It supported me to observe what was not quite right, use that information to choose my vision, and then consciously release that which I no longer wanted. This training within my Journal supported me to be able to choose or shift my focus more effortlessly throughout my day.
I have coffee with my husband each morning after dropping our son off at school. This consistent connection with my husband keeps my marriage happy and growing. This is important in maintaining our family harmony.
I eat well and drink my water. I chose a Vegaquarian lifestyle in mid-2006, and it was a wonderful decision for me. For those who don't know, Vegaquarian is Vegetarian plus seafood. I suspect I was not digesting meat protein properly, and after the initial cleansing period, I found I was sick less, and lost a couple of pounds too! The water is critical. It makes a difference in my mental, emotional and physical health.
4. What are your words of advice to those of us who aspire to have a thriving Portable Empire?
Make sure you're playing the Inner Game too. These aspects are equal in importance to the Outer Game being taught. When you blend the two together, look out!
I do recommend hiring a coach. They support with the Inner Game, and sometimes you can find one that does Consulting with the Outer Game as well. I have had a coach consistently since 2002, and I will always have a coach.
5. What are your thoughts about the thriving communities on Face Book, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other Social Media sites?
I have enjoyed playing at Facebook, Twitter, and communities such as Milagro World. I love connecting with people, and these all offer me opportunity to do that. I also get the opportunity to give and receive support, and that has been wonderful. For now, I move where the inspiration leads me.
6. Do you have goals and lists that you use everyday to boost your productivity or are you motivated purely by inspiration--or a combination of the two?
I use my Journal and my Declarations Wall (like a vision board only it's a whole wall) for my Goals and Intentions.
I do use lists from time to time, when I move into a particularly busy period. I love using All Done Lists during those times as well. It feels really good to celebrate a list of stuff I've accomplished, especially when the To Do List is particularly long.
7. And finally, who do you consider to be your most important mentor--One Female--One Male!!
Oh my! There have been so many wonderful influences in my life! I've read incredible books, listened to amazing speakers, been mentored by brilliant coaches, and interviewed inspiring teachers. It might take a book in itself to share all the wonderful people who have touched my life!
If I have to pick two, I will choose the two authors who shared Law of Attraction with me in 2002. This was the beginning. This is when I first opened up to the possibilities of being all I am meant to be.
The first book was "Spiritual Marketing" by Joe Vitale. He represents the perfect blending of the Inner and Outer Games as well. I've had the blessing of meeting him personally as well as interviewing him on a number of occasions. He still inspires me.
The second book was "Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting" by Lynn Grabhorn. Her book was easy to read and understand, and I absolutely LOVED the title of her book. I was not able to meet her personally, which I really would have loved to do!
What is your Joy? Do you make a habit of following it every moment of your life?