We will continue to invite (not demand) the presence of Goddess into our lives to guide us in the abundance of gratitude and unconditional love. Surely situations will arise to test our ability to love. Yet we must persevere and break down those attitudes of resistance within ourselves. Patient care is a wonderful opportunity to practice the art of unconditional Love because we can see that prayers’ healing power works along with the Science of Medicine and becomes the Art of Medicine. Neither need be mutually exclusive of the other.
So it is with all the other aspects of our lives. The next time you feel the need to control a situation, simply go deeply into your inner sanctuary, no matter where you are, and pray for Divine Guidance. And the process will enfold as it will – God's Will.
The true celebration of “All That Is” – is a work in progress, and requires a concentrated Present-Moment Awareness. It may take all of our skills to stay centered where we always are anyway – in the here and now. From the vantage point of a concentrated Present-Moment Awareness, we discover that all of the potentials for Love and Forgiveness come alive. The stories of who did what to whom are no longer significant in the mind's eye. Suddenly everyone we have ever loved, whether on this plane or beyond, are here with us too – and are as alive as every dancing molecule in this house or in the beautiful rebirth of every season.
If our hearts are broken, rather than stay in the memories and stories of the past, we realize that the potential for opening the heart in Love is ours – if we cultivate Present-Moment pulsation. Creativity comes alive. Solutions to previously unresolved challenges are simultaneously placed into action and resolved. We are no longer held prisoner of grief and sorrow, but instead, are liberated from ordinary thought. We've been raised to a higher vibration of vitality.
We are living from a vibration of Truth. OM