Years ago, I was sent to a private Waldorf school mainly because my mother believed private school was better suited to nurture the minds of children, particularly Waldorf Education.
I lived with a family diametrically opposed to my own in every way. I came to know what the meaning of homesickness was.
One day, I was left alone in the house while the family was engaged in other activities. This was the first time I was alone in my life. I was about 12 years of age.
What happened to my consciousness was unparalleled in my life until that time. I woke up to the miracle and magic of the present moment. I experienced the vast inner world of happiness and freedom. I wandered through the house and marveled at just the way the light fell on various objects. I suddenly noticed homesickness was no longer a reality but instead, a full embrace of the vast potential of living joyously was totally in my grasp.
Those moments serve me well as I now learn to navigate a world without Tomaso — and everyone else in this pandemic. I understand why others complain about the solitary nature of their existence and why they jeopardize their health and maybe their life and the lives of others, by engaging without mask or common sense judgment.
My life is my own and no one else’s. This morning I learned to charge a glass of water, and as I ingested its light and thirst quenching qualities, felt the energy of the charge permeate every cell of my body.
Now I am protected throughout this beautiful day and open to the vast potential for happiness and healing provided by Universal Energy, infused with all the light and love provided by Heaven and Mother Earth. OM