As the New Year opens up before us, it is wise to take it slow with self-healing and self care uppermost in mind. Self care and self healing are not luxuries. We can’t help others before helping ourselves.
Since Tomaso’s Last Breath 2/2021, I turned inwardly with a sense of urgency. That resolve has not diminished. 2022 is a year when the light within will enlighten those we meet and greet, creating Oneness. Merging my/our light with Nature is a theme this year. Taking on the preservation of US Democracy is another, but not in anger, but sharing the light within to the Collective Intelligence that surrounds us all.
Today is raining but I will still walk Pearl to the nearby park we’ve come to love so much. Yesterday we stopped by a vacated house that Pearl and I frequently visited when the owner was alive. Vacated houses have a certain energy. Vacated houses need people to make it a home.
Pearl seemed to be sensing something within the house. She whimpered and cried. She was calling forth the spirits (and ghosts?) who seem to be alive there, now. My friends and I were feeling the spirits, too, first through Pearl, then through our own intuitive channels.
Life is a mystery, all of it. We think we know, but we, at the end of our lives, will go on the ride of our lives.
We can prepare right now.
Today is the day to walk through a cemetery. OM