“Everything in life comes to you as a teacher. Pay attention. Learn quickly.”
Old Cherokee woman to her grandson.
I grew up in a home with wise parents. I was taught that life experience and the whole of each moment is a classroom. As I have aged, I know this to be true.
When I witnessed Tomaso’s last breath, I utilized that very moment to question the grand reality of birth and death. All the seconds in between lead to the very last breath of our lives.
I have learned to rest in the now. Happiness cannot be experienced in any future or past idea, but only in the radical acceptance of the here and now. Feelings of sadness, anger and mood changes, if accepted for what they are, are meant to teach us about ourselves- and each other.
As CV19 reaches new heights, I continue to live a life of solitude, leisure and an unhurried calm.
What, me hurry?
This sense of leisure has opened the way to a vast ocean of liberation, followed by stillness, cessation of thought, a sense of the preciousness and fragility of each breath. This sense of leisure reveals a deep knowing that freedom is an inside job, not dependent on drive, ambition or desire.
The timeless NOW gives rise to beholding a new world of wonder, beauty and completion.
I am a human being, not a human doing, with the potential to do all things with an aura of being, with each precious, conscious breath. Life is a classroom of our own making. CV19 awoke the sleeping giant, and in the process of accepting the holiness of this beautiful life, I can appreciate CV19’s role in this awakening.
Breathe! You are alive! OM