I took a break from writing this blog last week as a way to see if I would miss writing it, or not.
I did miss it. So here we are again.
During our three hour meditation with Will Johnson on 6/5/21, I had just listened to the Rhagu Marcus’ podcast called “Mind Rolling” as Raghu interviewed the author of “Breath,” James Nestor.
Will Johnson is teaching us how to breathe as a way of life. As we learn to breathe properly, we noticed the body responds by becoming healthier, more vibrant, more alive. James Nestor says the same thing.
We always say to the mothers getting ready to deliver a baby, “Listen to your body.” This bit of advice pertains to all of our undertakings. We don’t look to the body as a way to uncover fear, although that can be done, moving fear away from opinions and long-held religious doctrines, to the spiritual heart as we learn how to open to Love.
As the breath becomes “lost in thought,” which is the way the body holds to rigidity, and let it go by transforming and understanding the uncompromising nature of a body in need of fluidity, we thus liberate the breath on the royal path and integration of body, mind and soul.
The breath liberates the body. The body through the allowing of subtle movement, liberates the breath. By liberating our hold on thought and watching thoughts dissipate as we learn to surrender to what is, called NOW, we embrace higher plains of consciousness. The body becomes the vehicle to drop the ego and take the next step to soul consciousness: being in the world, not of the world.
In this way, we can connect to the deeper and deeper parts of ourselves that just knows. OM