This week in our Ram Dass course we are studying Ram Dass’ teaching on open hearted love. Every week, we meet with others also taking the course on Zoom. Relationships are great teachers and can be where our hearts have been broken. We may miss our loved ones not realizing true love is eternal and is not rooted in the jealousy, the clinging or the losses.
If you’ve tasted being One in Love, and are grieving because your loved one died, the moment comes when you realize your love has never died, and will never die.
One quote struck me: “I know who you are and I still love you.”
People tend to fall in love and when the loved one reveals his/her blemishes and secrets, they are suddenly the enemy. Women in particular love to gather with their women friends and tell stories of their partner’s failings. Do men do this? I think men would rather talk about sports and cars.
Since Tomaso moved on to other realms of learning and teaching, I love inwardly telling him- “I know who you are and I still love you.”
This statement can be applied to everyone we feel separated from. This statement represents to me unconditional love. Special love is replaced by no need to cling or attachment or jealousy. We learn to feel the pain of separation and merge again in the truth of love, where we are all One, in the ocean of connection. OM