When those closest to us die, with CV19 thrown into the mix, as was the case with my husband and brother, I chose to wake up to Loving Awareness. My sphere of Love thus expanded. I am learning to love all who love me and those who don’t. Our greatest teachers are the strangers who cross our path, all the so called difficult people, and all those not forgiven so far in this lifetime.
My prayer for today: teach me to worship on the alter of silence within, and the alter of activity from without. Teach me to hear the Divine Voice in the fragrance of the Rose. Help me to touch this tenderness in the softness of the blooming Lily. Strengthen my devotion and tune my heart to acknowledge every answered prayer.
For every prayer is answered.
Banish all doubt, knowing the same God rests on every alter of various teachings and faiths. The Revolution is upon us not out there in the world with violence, uprising and upheaval. It starts within our deepest innermost being.
The energy of the revolution is quiet. It doesn’t create stories that perpetuate drama. I am a One Person Revolution and so are you. As I learn to apply all the Universal Laws into my life: the law of attraction, the law of vibration, the law of karma (cause and effect), the law of gratitude, the law of love, and the law of reciprocity, the infinite field of all possibilities becomes real.
Old paradigms die hard. Blame, guilt, shame, poverty consciousness, fear of old age, disease, lost youth, pain and death haunt all of the people alive, at least some of the time.
Opportunities abound for now releasing these negative beliefs.
Our lives transform to the One Person Revolution of Loving Awareness. OM