In less than 24 hours from this moment, I begin my 12 month spiritual retreat with Will Johnson. It’s my time - to go inward, to have meaningful conversations, not be led into the den of iniquity which is created only by my thoughts and actions -and by the news.
Pearlie and I meditated to the Hanuman Chalisa all morning. The events surrounding the 1/6/2021 attempt to take over American democracy frankly freaked me out. I say No More! And must return to my deep inner resources.
We may be bowing to the great god Hanuman as we chant the Chalisa, but also bow to the source of strength within. We are all connected, as trees are by their foundational roots. Our roots emanate from the Divine. Love is the true expression of who we REALLY are.
Inner strength is unlimited. It is awakened when the service of love becomes our motivational calling. The choice to love or to fear - is always ours to own, to live, to offer in a spirit of forgiveness – even for the right wing insurgents.
Watching the news dissipates my inner strength. A spiritual retreat usually means no news, and unplugging from the world of form, allowing the formless to inform, to guide, to be.
When I reach out to help others, then, it’s not a you versus me scenario, but a moving beyond separation. No longer is giving a matter of sacrifice. As we experience the interrelatedness of all things, nothing is a sacrifice, but is instead an expression of spontaneous albeit appropriate caring.
This is what a Spiritual Retreat means to me. Om