Our own happiness is the only thing we have 100% control over. When we take control over our happiness, it is ours and we have 100% responsibility over it. In other words, there are no limitations or boundaries with happiness – except for the ones we invent in
the form of excuses.
Once we take full responsibility for our happiness, there's no turning back. The days of waiting for circumstances to change or for someone else to change – to bring happiness – are over. The thoughts: I need better health, more money, a new mate or a bigger house, are created limitations called the "need for happiness."
When these needs are fulfilled, the ego will create bigger and better needs to fulfill before acquiring what already exists – peace of mind and contentment in the here and now. The truth is, no matter how traumatic the current life situation is now, we can have desired happiness by stripping away all the masks that go with appearances of status and class. Be Happy now. Be Love Now. Be Here Now.
NOW is the operative word. When life offers up challenges as a teaching to make us better people, the best way to embrace the appearance of adversity is to settle into the spacious Present Moment, the Now, listening to the sounds, seeing the vibrant colors inwardly and outwardly. Listen to the body, who tells all we need to know.
We are the ones allowing difficult life situations to interfere with our peace of mind. We can't control what happens, but can control how and whether we react to it. Words and phrases of doubt, like “I should, it’s difficult, it’s impossible, I’ll try, if only, ought not and I can't" are used to negatively categorize, evaluate and judge ourselves and others.
Consciously pluck out these negative habits of thinking and free the vast eternal potential for Love in your life.
Be playfully vigilant, is one way to say it. Make a game of be happy now, be peace NOW, and Breathe. OM