My mother was told by a psychic who knew Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet, that my last lifetime was in ancient Egypt. Who knows what I’ve been up to since then? The real question is, how many lifetimes have I lived in the lifetime I currently now reside in? When I was a baby of six months old, I had an out of body experience. My soul was looking down on the baby in the crib. As I recall it now, the soul was not alone but was surrounded by other etheric beings who were familiar to me. We looked upon the baby impersonally without pity, sadness or joy but with lots of love and compassion.
That was my earliest memory. I was born into a family that believed in reincarnation, over souls, fairies, gnomes and nature spirits. My mother taught me that we choose the family we are born into. Everyone we meet we are supposed to meet. Our families and extended families are our soul connections.
My incarnations in this lifetime includes being a child with an innate curiosity, always on the side of a kind of mystical insight into the goodness of life, even though I knew people were suffering. Then came the 60’s, the assassinations, the drugs and the alcohol. My rehabilitation was nursing school. I felt the experience put me on the path of a warrior for holistic health, and 40 years later, I am still a nurse but much less identified with the role of nurse, or for that matter, any other role society might like to defined me as.
And finally, after Tomaso‘s last breath, I am identified with the fully embodied essence of my human family, knowing spirit outlives form on every level. I have had the experience of Tomaso‘s familiar presence with me in my life ever since his passing.
I never felt he went anywhere. OM