Another teaching of Ram Dass from his Guru and teachers is the inner chanting of a mantra, while fingering a bead on a Mala (bracelet) with each repetition of the mantra.
I took another course from Love, Serve, Remember a few years ago when Ram Dass was still in physical form. At that time, I did not feel comfortable with any of the mantras I tried on for size.
This time around, I came upon a You Tube video of Ram Dass’ Guru, Neem Karoli Baba, chanting Ram Ram Ram for a full hour. The video was actually an audio.
Ram, God, Krishna, Allah, Jesus Christ.
Over the weekend, our meditation Sangha, led by Will Johnson, emphasized the exhale as a dress rehearsal for dropping the body. That, now coupled with Neem Karoli Baba chanting Ram Ram Ram has teleported to another dimension infused with the silence of Divine Love.
The physical body is still here —and so am I. Will’s meditation strategies invite an inner flow which awakens every cell in the body. Will calls it “Embodied Mindfulness.”
In fact, it was Hari Das, the teacher Neem Karoli Baba assigned to be RD’s teacher when RD first went to India and shed his ego identity as Richard Alpert--It was Hari Das who encouraged Will to teach. Hari Das communicates by writing on a tablet.
The Vow Of Silence, a topic for further exploration. OM
Neem Karoli Baba