In my Wednesday evening dream group, one of our members shared a dream whereby she heard a voice between waking and sleeping. It said, “Every memory is a love story.”
This experience was a shining beacon as she moved forward with her week. Plus it added to everyone else’s vision in the group as we end 2020 and herald in the New Year.
How can the witnessing of Tomaso’s last breath be a love story when he left planet earth abruptly and with a flourish never before seen in my lifetime? My brothers life partner asked me the same question, regarding the sudden departure of her soul mate (my brother), in like way as Tomaso, five months to the day of Tomaso’s death.
How can death be a love story? It can be if we see life as a love story, too: all aspects of life, from the mundane to the sublime, from the first naked vulnerable moment, to the ending of a life often embroiled with human turmoil on a personal and transpersonal multi dimensional force field.
Creating a love story from every memory makes going forward a love story, too.
The human condition is complicated. We’ve made a mess of things in almost every way - personally due to poor communication with resultant abandonment, or globally with war and climate change as prime examples of planetary collapse. We all can learn to be better communicators and take steps to end all war. Those are love stories waiting to happen.
Ultimately, the love story we are seeking to find is the one found in our inner, spiritual guiding wisdom. As we befriend our inner resilience and create a partnership simultaneously with the divine, which is love in drag, we retain a passionate interest in life. We throw ourselves wholeheartedly into creative projects. We can be bright, vibrant and alive.
We can get a puppy when we turn 80. OM