After a 40 year career as a full-time nurse, working nights since 2012, and juggling other ways to escape corporate medicine, I’ve come to the end of what feels like a simple clap of the hand, and then it is over.
Except it ain’t over yet. Workplace employee scarcity means I can’t retire from nursing in good faith, but probably can cut back as soon as I can, as I learn and implement how to start a solopreneur business on Amazon. Suffice to say, my life is taken up with nothing but schedules whether it be work, studying the way to set up the new business, coupled with meditation, spiritual practice, walking Pearl and other exercise, plus raining love on all my friendships and family. Not to mention the beautiful garden and fig trees calling for love and attention. But I love all of it. Taking from a motto I learned from the Waldorf school I once attended, “learn with joy.”
Overwhelm, fear of failure, self doubt and the imposter syndrome are all mindsets: victim mindsets that lower immunity and physical and spiritual strength. When or if they arise, I purposely banish them from my consciousness. Plus, during my Amazon course sign up, I was introduced to Joseph Clough who does hypnotic sessions to bring on the mindset of confidence and delight, all in the spirit of humility. The ego must be banished, too. All the above mentioned fears are of ego arrogance, not of the gentle attitudes we all need to find what we are seeking in this lifetime.
Schedules must be made to serve, not to imprison. That is what I am working on, now. OM