Meditation is an Ahhhhhh. No rush. No hurry. A perfect moment to take sanctuary in the soul and spirit of life. I always look forward to the serenity and awakening meditation delivers as a balm to my body, mind and eternal Life.
I love the idea that any act of love anywhere is an act of love everywhere. Love is the eternal connector.
The more loving I am the more expanded I feel. Love expands. Fear contracts.
This frosty morning is automatically meditative. We are about to go deeply into winter but in reality, it is a beautiful season. We have started Home Births with the Amish. Nothing is as calming as going into Amish homes for a few hours and feeling the peace of their families. When the other children arise in the morning and meet the brand new baby, my heart melts every time. It is an experience of pure innocence.
Purification practices such as meditation, prayer, chanting, ACIM (A Course In Miracles) are tools to polish the mirror of consciousness. We are here for the sole purpose of forgiveness and Love. If humans practiced the Golden Rule, treating others how they want to be treated, all the violence, self-loathing and dysfunction would disappear. An amazingly simple solution to what appears to be unsolvable challenges.
We live in a dimension where the world of the ego is the channel most people thrive on. Yet we have a choice. Do we want our consciousness to be on? Or off? Asleep? Or awake?
I am partaking in an online meditation retreat with Will Johnson.
I’ve enjoyed the slowing down of the mind afforded by so called sheltering in place, and while the world of the ego insists on returning to a fast paced unsustainable reality, I choose to go slower and turn off time entirely, if possible.
Since time does not exist, I know time can be turned off, while choosing higher planes of reality to direct me, such as Holy Spirit, or Guru, for instance, I can read instead of mindless TV watching. I can meditate, instead of looking at social media. I can chant the word of God, instead of watching a violent movie.
The spiritual disciplines are meant to set free the robotic ego so our choices are based on Love and Forgiveness, found only in the present moment, here and now. The more we simplify, the more we can live these truths. OM