I read the Heather Cox Richardson report every day which I also subscribe to. She covers the news of the day so that I am spared having to watch it on television. She made the point in today’s report that the severity of our present situation may not be appreciated as we cope with quarantine and seclusion. That’s for those of us who are privileged. Then the people who’ve been evicted and are lined up for miles to get their next meal are experiencing the dire reality of how our government has dropped the ball on them and the pandemic.
The statistics as of yesterday: 14 million people infected with CV19, 276,000+ have died from it. Yesterday saw 211,762 new cases, and 2,858 deaths across the USA. Today is projected to be even worse.
The chaos surrounding Donald J Trump knows no end. His wild claims of election fraud have raise $207 million, and his loyal base supporters are footing the bill. What a scam. He will use the money to pay for his mounting legal bills, but at what point does any thinking person see through the scheme, which at the same time ignores the crippling of our economy, the lack of a federal aid package, the corruption -all devoid of compassion?
This is an example of the outer world gone mad, going fast and furious into an uncertain future.
For many of us, this is the time to slow way down, even as the world seems to have spun off its axis.
I have two large windows, one facing the south the other directly across, the north. I like to stare out these windows and catch a wandering cat, squirrel, even a red fox appears periodically.
My fellow nurses gave me wind chimes at the time of Tomaso’s last breath. When the chimes blow in the wind, that is a signal of Tomaso’s presence, which was the message the nurses implied with the gift.
A pause between the chiming of the wind is where our divine messages lie. OM