One of the readers of this blog expressed frustration about the idea of loving everyone unconditionally. How can we do this when people intentionally disrespect us, ignore us, intentionally try and make us feel small?
(No one can disrespect us, ignore us or make us feel small without our permission).
The invisible realm is as real as the world of form, new roofs, trash hauling or grocery shopping. By bringing the invisible realm into what is visible and boring to so many during the pandemic, the great awakening occurs, curiosity awakens, the inner child becomes real through the process of imagination. The inner life takes over if we allow it to.
Applying this to unconditional love isn’t that great of a leap. Remembering to breathe consciously, bringing the breath into each bodily cell, merging the inner with the outer, is like planting seeds of joy to take root and grow quickly. From this vantage point, it is easy to love everyone, and dare I say, like everyone, too.
Since many of us are alone, loved ones dying, fear of Covid continuing, the opportunity arises to love ourselves unconditionally, too. This is where it must begin-from the inner Sacred Divine, extending to careers, family, raising children, gardening and ordinary life, then turning exquisitely to the profound understanding of what is the true meaning of life. Mold this understanding into an art form, to simple kindness, to cheerful moods but also embracing angst, suffering and tears. The physical body is busy dying and living every day. The body feels pain, the body is diagnosed with life-threatening ailments, we experience the body in decline as we age. But the soul is ever alive.
It can be nourished directly in the center of gravity. OM