As we know by now, our human relationships are the reason for most of the challenges in our own day-to-day lives whether it be a spouse, a sibling, a boss or a child. Often we deal with it by attacking and judging the person we are in conflict with. ACIM (A Course In Miracles) has at its foundation the key to liberating ourselves from the thought prisons we ourselves have built, which become armor shielding ourselves from freedom and authenticity.
Awareness is key to chipping away the walls we ourselves have built, between me and you as separate beings. The first step is realizing the separation is a cultural myth and leaves us in a trap of our separateness. The thinking mind cuts us off from our heart, and sees others as objects of our desires.
“If you loved me, you would be who I need you to be.” Ram Dass.
But as we drop these barriers by perceiving others from a point of pure appreciation, as we would fully appreciate a tree, rock or animal in nature, the attacks and judgments fall away. We’ve adjusted our GPS to true north, in the collective loving vibratory field, and unconditional mystical regard is the new reality.
In order to achieve this vision, we must awaken out of the illusion of separation and see the spirit behind the form. We cultivate this habit, probably the most worthwhile habit we can manifest: the habit of unconditional love.
I was lucky. I received the Darshan of unconditional love when my mother died. I was at her bedside as she passed. For more than a week, I saw everyone in the light described above, and nothing anyone did or didn’t do disturbed my peace of mind. I loved and appreciated everyone without thoughts to dissuade me otherwise. In fact, I had no thoughts at all.
We must ask ourselves: what is keeping me stuck from the ability to see the soul beyond the form? OM