I’ve engaged in many spiritual practices throughout my life, but nothing has woken me as much as Tomaso‘s last breath. We “do” practices to break open the prison door of thought, fear, doubt and suffering but as we all know, avoidance of these states of mind can snowball into further angst and confusion.
The breath remains my favorite object of concentration, whether sitting, walking, engaging with mothers in labor. The breath is a great connector. The practice therefore extends far beyond the moments when I meditate every day.
One thing is certain, we don’t forget to breathe but we do often breathe shallowly and unconsciously. Conscious breathing is what I am after here.
Breath is life. Breath is love. Breath is simplicity. Breath brings us in contact with the Divine.
Breathing consciously, or The Great Wide Open, as Will Johnson calls it, takes me beyond mind and body to a full embodiment of expression, of surrendering, even as the spine remains erect in subtle inner motion by the practice itself.
In reality, our lives are our practice whether walking, talking, listening, gazing into a dog’s eyes.
How do we remember to practice? The little moments awaken us to our true selves. The little moments are multi dimensional in nature. If we have a question needing an answer, empty the mind to receive inner wisdom. Trust the universe every moment with every breath in just the way you live your life.
When it feels like you fell off the path in the spirit of forgetting, remember returning to the path will bring with it a greater vibrancy. Honor where you’ve been to fully appreciate this one Now.
Honor where you’ve been without denial of the violence, fear, and doubt. Also know the light of the mystery awaits to inform you of all that is possible in this world and beyond. OM