What a gift it is to tune into the messages of our animals, to turn from a deep thought and see the beaming eyes of our dog or cat radiating love directly at you. This is a timeless and complaint free moment! I write these words with Pearl lying nearby. Soon we will embark on another 7 mile walk, and I will hang out with my mighty soul sister for more timeless moments.
In everything I do, Pearl is ever present. It is starkly apparent my relationship with Pearl and all the animals I encounter take me down a mystical path. They teach the silent knowledge of who we are if we pause with them to listen. The human psyche is the entry point for knowing our true creative potential through our animals. As we explore our connection with our animals, we touch our own spirituality.
As we stand before our animals with open hearts, defenses drop away and enlarge ever increasing levels of self-awareness. As we dialogue with our animals, we are brought directly to the heart of creation. The infinite speaks through all living beings and ignites our innate creativity.
We are enlivened when we allow our animals impart their unconditional love for all. In turn, we are fueled with boundless energy.
Tomaso and I were free spirits in our time spent together in this lifetime, and always at the center of our daily lives where the animals, always the animals. We allowed them to speak to us and through us. We turned away from the thinking of the world.
Peace of mind is hard to find for those who rush too quickly into accepting and believing whatever others tell them.
Every life is fragile and every life is important. Live your own truth. Be receptive to the glorious uncertainty of living.
Only through personal awareness can we hope to achieve a deep and lasting peace with ourselves. Let your dog teach you how.