Healing is a way of life. Every day offers opportunity to heal old family patterns and trauma, as well as current wounds largely associated with loveless perception.
The enlightened mind, where peace of mind is paramount in our thoughts and actions, is not separate from ordinary consciousness, where we dwell in order to survive in jobs and in “normal“ every day interactions.
The enlightened mind and the ordinary mind are two sides of the same coin. As we nurture a peaceful, nonattached focus in our ordinary lives, we engage the extra-ordinary to bear on challenges that before, may have appeared insurmountable.
When peace of mind is our goal, we become relaxed and better able to engage “the witness,” the observer of life a little beyond ordinary consciousness. Our mind is like the ocean: remaining calm in the face of great trauma, as America is experiencing now, helps to move away from the turbulence on the surface and proceed below to the gentle quiet and tranquility far beneath the turmoil of storms and disturbances.
This is how we build our inner resources to continue the necessary work of healing our lives. Every moment is an opportunity to heal in these chaotic times. I used to wear a button when I worked at a nearby hospital. It said “Please Remain Calm.”
The message on the button in and of itself had a healing effect. OM