The Breath of the Christ heals when we release the ego (the small separated loveless self) and humbly ask Saints, teachers, gurus, into the sanctity of our inner heart where only love exists.
I learned a healing massage strategy from my family Doctor when I was six. He was also a homeopath. The last year of the pandemic blocked my ability to do this treatment. My niece Sonja and I exchanged “treatments” when she was here in August.
My doctor learned how to do this healing modality from a psychic healer in Philadelphia who was in her 90s when I received treatments from her. Two aides would almost carry her frail body to the treatment table. Then she arose as tall as an ancient tree, placed her hands on the spine and worked out all impurities along the spine, flushing the lymph system. Dr. Ella Kilgus was her name. I recently inherited Dr. Ella‘s writings pertaining to her perspectives on healing.
When she was a child, there was one person who understood her psychic healing abilities. That person was William James, philosopher, and author of Varieties Of Religious Experiences. They would go out on a lake together, and she presented him with her visions of healing. His faith in her abilities allowed her to move confidently in the direction of putting back together broken bodies, psyches, minds and souls.
I do this treatment along with my sister, her daughter Sonja, and a handful of others who also know how to flush the lymph system along the spine like Dr. Ella did.
Dear God, help me to heal as Jesus heals.
Help me to put forth this treatment to all who are led to learn it.
I am open to see how this next adventure unfolds. OM
Picture Courtesy Of Jean Bickmire