Yesterday, devotees of Neem Karoli Baba (Maharajii) did an all day marathon on You Tube featuring various artists and musicians chanting and playing the long and heartfelt prayer called the Hanuman Chalisa. I also did a news fast which Pearlie the dog appreciated. Any time I put on the news, she glares at me and runs out of the room.
The Hanuman Chalisa is a devotional chant. I am learning the words but it is a 40 verse hymn to Hanuman, thus my ability to embody the words may take me the rest of my life.
The divinity of our lives is not of the physical body. When we die, our divinity flies to heaven on the wings of unconditional love. When we do the practice of chanting the Hanuman Chalisa, our doubting mind is gradually released. Our thinking mind is gradually surrendered. Judgment and restriction fall away and we see ourselves as Loving Beauty.
I have taken a few courses on the Hanuman Chalisa, taught by Krishna Das. I was given the words of the 40 verses. The nature of the mantra/prayer tell us a story of the great being, Hanuman. The vibrations of the words soften the heart, giving an exit from the emotions of anxiety and fear we may have been holding. The Hanuman Chalisa gives us the longing to be free.
Frankly, that is all I need to know. Krishna Das says we sing Hanuman Chalisa to remind Hanuman of his great strength so he can help us. Our soul has been stolen by the ego, and Hanuman is the one who reconnects us. Furthermore, we sing Hanuman Chalisa to remind us of our own strength.
This practice takes commitment. Hanuman is a manifestation of our own great potential. We chant the Hanuman Chalisa to remove the obstacles of suffering and free ourselves of the perspective of negativity, to bring us to the awesome strength Hanuman represents.
We are the light at the end of the tunnel. We are led by a power greater than ourselves. OM