We cannot afford on any level to relax our vigilance on the CV19 pandemic. The authorities are telling us March, April and May will be the deadliest months. We’ve been told to double up on the masks for that very reason. This week, we passed the half million mark of those who have died.
Here in PA, people aren’t getting vaccines in a timely manner. Word of mouth is the way many are getting the info as to who is giving vaccines at any given time.
Action is the antidote to despair. A plan is needed, going forward. We lost ground because of he who will not be named inaction. The Woodward tapes revealed he was well aware of the seriousness of the situation. He called it The Plague. We must not carry this denial going forward.
Solitude has been a way of life for me, this last year. I still work, take care of patients and talk to other nurses. The other evening, as nurses do, a few of us sat together and relived some of the horrors we’ve had to face in our careers. Horror is merely a perception. As we let go of the attachments to stories gone by, the stories that make us who we are today, we laugh more and grow closer to one another. But if we can laugh retrospectively, I am sure we can laugh as the stories take place. Fear is the reason we don’t laugh more often.
Brother Delaney and Tomaso were great story tellers. I find myself trying to take their place in the story telling department. Story telling requires a combination of mirth, overview and an emphasis on lessons learned. Every single thing happens in our lives for the purpose of our awakening. Think of all the times you sit with friends and loved ones, telling stories and laughing like hell.
“They say the darkest hour right before the dawn.
Gotta out run the hound dog to earn your love.” Bob Dylan