Grief is grief, neither good nor bad. I had an awakening thought in the form of the picture accompanying this post, today. The thinking of the world wants us to get on with life and leave our suffering in the past. After a year of mourning, for instance, and wearing black every day, you’re free to wear colors again and remarry.
Naturally, we are free to choose whatever way works for us.
In the graphic we see how the world views grief: an overwhelming presence at first, followed by a reality of suffering that diminishes over time.
It’s been 16 months since Tomaso’s passing and I see how my friends, acquaintances and colleagues no longer want to talk about Tomaso. Not all, but some. Some have ideas about his weaknesses, not knowing about “I know who you are and will always love you,” as discussed in yesterday’s posting.
Suffering is Grace, but no one is willing to own up to that, either. Suffering brings us closer to the Love of the Divine. “Love everyone” as Ram Dass’ guru teaches, means we have to rise above ego mind to experience the heart space that we are in reality, all One.
This requires the deliberate evolution of the compassionate heart of love. The emotional heart has been broken by our attempt to resist all the grieving in our lives.
When others fall down, people, especially Republicans, think they deserve to fall. I’ve heard Democrats say the same thing. This sort of separation has left humanity on a precipice of despair.
The spiritual slogan, “There is only one of us here,” is a steppingstone to the development of the heart of compassion.
There is only one of us here means we lend a helping hand knowing your pain is my pain. Your joy is my joy. Our lives are intrinsically intertwined.
Daily spiritual practice is the only way to experience these truths in a sustaining way. Remember to Love Everyone and Tell the Truth. (Neem Karoli Baba). This practice alone requires rising above the thinking of the world- a beautiful world, but one that needs to be questioned at all cost. OM