I get my Grace everyday by long walks and periods of meditation- and surrounding myself with the Saints. I listen to spiritual podcasts and take courses in spirituality.
I heard about a man on the MindRolling Podcast on the Be Here Now Network who conducted a pilgrimage to the Amazon. His name is Nick Polizzi. The people who went there were given a short time to live by their doctors.
They are under the care of a shaman when they arrive to the rain forest. They live in a hut for 30 days with a bare minimum to eat. No cell phone. No technology whatsoever. Nothing to read. They are simply facing their inner soul and suffering. The shamans also deliver the herbs picked specifically for that person’s condition and distribute them accordingly.
A movie was made about the pilgrimage and the human relationship with plants and the earth, called The Sacred Science. A course is available on the website called “Secrets Of The Ancient Healers,” as well as the opportunity to view the movie. The course is an enlightening escapade through the healing rituals of plant medicine (ethnobotany) as taught by the Shamans themselves and of course, Nick Polizzi and faculty.
An Ayahuasca ceremony is also an optional addition to the healing.
You have to be brave. You have to have courage. Crawling bugs alone would drive most people away. The lesson, though, is we can utilize the wisdom of the ancient peoples on the very ground we find ourselves.
Facing only yourself is something you can do in normal everyday life. Turn off technology. Sit and breathe. Fast. Let it all go. This is Grace. OM
The Hibuscus Plant In My Garden Is Getting Ready To Bloom-A Highly Healing Plant!