The planetary conjunction today on the Winter Solstice is powerful. The same conjunction occurred at the birth of Jesus. The last time it happened was 400 years ago, the year 1620, “the year the pilgrims came over.”
The Christ Consciousness symbolism at this dire time in the history of the world, illuminates the gifts of the magi which can help us with our health, as we navigate the rough waters of stress related illnesses and cloudy thinking processes. I read this morning that Frankincense and Myrrh were two of the three magical potions presented to the Christ child. The third offering was not Gold but golden turmeric, which is the best immune system builder there is.
In the time of Jesus, the spice trade drove the economies of the Middle East, Europe and Africa. Frankincense, Myrrh and Turmeric combined in their synergy can heal the body, mind and spirit and has been said to cure diseases of the mind, body and spirit. The way this alliance of herbs works is by decreasing inflammation in the body, thus resulting in anti-aging and perhaps longevity, optimism and lifting the dark cloud of depression.
The Wisemen traveled thousands of miles to deliver this gift, lead by the star of the east, the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn; Jupiter the great expansion, and Saturn the great contraction. Together they meet in the middle to bring balance to the world of human suffering.
The star of the east is represented in the body as the third eye, the point between the eyebrows. Yogananda, the great Indian guru, said the two physical eyes perceive only limited portions at a time of the world of relativity. The vision of the spiritual eye is spherical and beholds the world of omnipresence.
Today’s Conjunction is a reality of Christ and Krishna Consciousness, leading the way to a balance between inner and outer worlds. The great mystery prevails.
We can harness the mystery for the greater good. OM