Last summer, the food I personally grew did not thrive. The food Tomaso cultivated the year before flourished miraculously. I believe the kale, hibiscus, garlic and peppermint he raised will come up again to represent Tomaso’s ever present soul in Pearlie’s and my life.
In order to enhance the year long retreat I am partaking in with Will Johnson, I will grow an outdoor sanctuary in the remaining beds and also the perimeter around my house. I have 1/3 of an acre to play with. Herbs and flowers come to mind.
While America gets immunized at accelerated rates against Covid, and mass get togethers akin to a reunion of humanity take place, I will quietly commune with nature in my outdoor Nirvana and continue to simplify my indoor potential for ever deepening meditative practice.
Coming to God in indoor and outdoor sanctuaries requires an invitation to the elemental spirits, angels, gnomes, sprites and the Tinker Bell‘s. They come when called and even if you forget to call them.
Years ago, I climbed Mount Shasta with my forest service colleagues. At the base of the mountain, I saw tiny gnome-like creatures busily going about their business. I thought I may be experiencing altitude hallucinations, and forgot about them.
After an overnight adventure at the top of Shasta, we climbed down and I saw these little people again, busy and detached from human concerns.
Later, I visited the metaphysical bookstore in the town of Shasta and found a book there entitled “the little people of Mount Shasta."
I want these beings to help me with my garden retreat. OM
Photo Credit To Tana Reiff