Today is the fourth day since the attempted right wing takeover of America. Donald Trump is still in office. More violent footage has emerged from that day and it is terrifying to watch. To remain vigilant, we must pay attention, remain detached, send nothing but love to all the suffering hearts in this world.
A week or two before the election of 2020, my 86-year-old neighbor came over to my backyard patio to give Pearl a biscuit. Suddenly, she began to scream about going to Washington DC to kill Nancy Pelosi.
What was the source of that eruption? Tomaso had a cousin who was a right wing fanatic. He got his propaganda from shortwave radio. My neighbor doesn’t use social media. She didn’t login to Twitter to get her marching orders for the day from Donald Trump. Thankfully, tRump’s Twitter account has been permanently deleted.
What is going on here? I have recently heard a statement that resonates with me: “The greatest enemy of democracy is white supremacy.” We have a responsibility, each of us, to uproot the fear that separates us from other people and everything else. We need to take an honest long look at ourselves.
The white supremacist targeting of blacks, Jews, LGBTQ is not new. But it’s a wake up call when our public servants are/were in the line of fire.
The wake up call involves the need of our incoming government to take care of our citizens in this pandemic. We need $2000 checks to go out monthly. We need Medicare for all. We need food banks on every corner. We need programs to address the real suffering people are experiencing.
“America does not suffer from scarcity. We suffer from greed.” Representative Jay Pal.
If we do not take care of our citizens, we give thugs like we saw the other day in Washington DC, more ammunition to fuel the flame of unrest, that has existed for years here in this country.
My 86 year old neighbor who unleashed her venom on my patio the other day, feels the government has deserted her. Tomaso’s right wing cousin felt the same way.
This has been the foundation for anti-Washington sentiment for years. Not an excuse.
Just sayin’. OM