I found a flat of plantable flowers out in Amish country last week- clumps of
closely knitted roots for 1-3 dollars apiece. I planted them amongst the
garlic. One Iris is just about to bloom. Other flowers species include:
Creeping Jenny, (not a flower but a ground cover), Yellow Orange Day Lily,
Purple Echinacea, Plantain Lily, Virginia Spiderwort. Vegetables did not grow
well for me last year but were prolific for Tomaso, when he grew them. The garlic is one example of his lasting imprint .
I want the flower garden to be eye delight for those driving by and also for my
immediately close neighbors. Last year, I planted Mums in Autumn, and they are
springing forth anew, as well.
I want my garden to be a source of infinite peace for those coming to visit, and
for my suburban neighbors. I want the garden to be a wellspring of love for
Pearl and me all summer long into fall, with a memory that they will flourish
again next year.
The sanctuary space of our home has now been extended out to encompass 1/3rd of
an acre surrounding the property. The house has a new roof. The local power
company is blocking solar development in PA, but soon our little house will be
solar powered, too.
Even with all the beauty surrounding the house in the season, I am learning to
enjoy all of it without becoming attached. Meditation is a dress rehearsal for
dropping the body, the out breath. The in breath is a dress rehearsal for
rebirth, for inhabiting the body, and all we hold dear, without attachment.
We are not the body, but it serves as a vehicle to travel through the world. Wherever we are, we are here. We don't have to drag through this incarnation kicking and screaming.
Unless you choose to. OM