We’ve given the topic “fear of death” complete consideration on this blog. Where one layer is uncovered, more layers wait to be discovered. Even as we explore the fear of death, what also is revealed are all the ways we’ve lived in fear of life, its self. The last thing any of us wants is to face imminent death without a sense of completion, with unfinished business clouding the journey from one life to the next.
Unfinished business has a way of creating karma. For instance, that which I am attached to, can’t let go of, will follow me, as a shadow does, even in the noon day sun. Unresolved clinging, aversion and attraction, and the refusal to let go, impedes the ability to be free, truly free, as the last life fades into obscurity. So say the Saints of India.
Dying without first doing the work of healing and forgiveness also blocks the liberation of the Self. We have to keep coming back to resolve all the unhealed places we have ignored.
Opening the heart of compassion allows all that remains incomplete to suddenly feel workable. Joy arises as the possibility of wholeness eases the emotional heart.
It is possible to become prepared for our final breath and is a practical act of faith. First we must do the work, and when the process is trusted, that’s when faith arises.
We do not know our destination or time of our departure or arrival. But the spiritual work and spiritual practice lays the foundation for the act of befriending the mystery.
Can we live every moment as if it was our last? OM
Tomaso Embracing Life